Once in a while, you have a session where everything is great; the clients are easygoing with beautiful smiles, and the pets know they’re way too cute, so they decide to ham it up for the camera. This was one of them.

Miso pretty much smiled the entire time, and Jack actually turned out to be a wonderful surprise. When I first chatted with Kathy, she warned me that Jack is wary around new strangers, and that it was best not to pet him. So imagine my astonishment, when he stole the show–head tilts, big smiles, and non-stop begging for treats; he easily won me over with his expressions, and I have to say, that I really am in love with how all of these images turned out.

Thanks Kathy for such an amazing session! I loved meeting Jack and Miso, and I hope you love their images, too!

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