Hey guys, did you know I’m a celebrity? That’s right. I was asked to be a celebrity judge for the Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation’s Howl-oween costume party on Tuesday. Yeah, I’m completely joking about the  part, although being a judge and picking the dog with the cutest costume, maybe not so much. :p

It was a super hard decision to make, but I have to say my favorites were Ty the Goldendoodle Beanie Baby, Count Choco-la (b), and Roscoe the Friendly Ghost. Then of course, I have to give an honorable mention to the lab that stole the boxer’s hot dog costume (see images below). Seriously, this dog was such a naughty boy, lol. I think it took like 5 people and 20 minutes to get the costume back, and watching the antics totally made my day. I guess every dog loves hot dogs no matter if they’re real or not. ;p

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Horribly sad that he lost his costume, lol.
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“Hey ma, you’ll never believe what I saw today. A real, live full-size beanie baby!”
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I’m pretty sure if I was a dog and had their face, the world would be mine. How can you say no? Seriously.
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I love this dog! Kept coming up to me every time I raised my camera. All they wanted to do was get their photo taken, lol.
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Beginning or middle of the hot dog fiasco.
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Can’t catch me!
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The puppy’s little tongue sticking out while it begs for a treat—ugh, absolutely kills me. So adorable!
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And that’s it. I love dog parks. Hope you have a safe and happy Howl-oween! Be sure to share photos of you pet in costume on my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/katkuphotography
