Earlier this month, I had the joy of flying across the world to Tokyo, Japan to attend one of my best friends from college’s wedding. For as long as I have known her (and I’m sure many people who know her can attest to this as well), Ohio– I mean, Miho (inside joke, haha), has always referred to herself as a Japanese Barbie/Princess. So obviously it would only be fitting to have a wedding that certainly would have rivaled a Royal British couple we all know. ;)

The wedding took place on April 7, 2012 at the gorgeous hotel, Four Seasons Hotel at Chinzan-so (you can click on the link for more photos of the hotel). As an attendee and NOT the photographer, I had to resist the urge to start snapping a bajillion images every which way–which was really hard I might say. All the details were breathtakingly gorgeous, from the tiara to the big bow on the wedding dress to the strand of pearls, and Miho looked absolutely radiant. Being such a meaningful event in not only Miho’s life but mine as well, how could I not want to preserve this day!? Fortunately, the REAL photographer (there’s kind of a funny story behind this) showed up and took over from where my images leave off.

As for the funny story, there was some initial confusion about which bridal room Miho was getting ready at, so I found someone that worked at the hotel to help me out. Of course, she didn’t speak very good English, and I know very little Japanese, so after a lot of smiling and head bobbing, I was shown the correct room and introduced as the photographer (because I was carrying my big camera around). We all had a good laugh about that.

I wish I could convey how beautiful everything was, but aside from the images, I don’t think my words would do it justice. It was an absolutely beautiful day, and I am happy that I was able to be a part of it. Congratulations Miho & Koki!

wedding gown NZ
(Miho’s 92 year old Grandpa (!) )  Hair Toppers: LilyHair
