If you were planning on adopting a dog, typing in a search engine the name, color, and breed might bring up your next best furry friend. This was totally the case with Duke.

Kristen has a friend who has a dog named Luke, who was a silver lab. For fun, she decided to search for Duke the yellow lab, and this cutie below was the first one that popped up. To make a long story short, Kristen saved Duke days away from death, and he is now happily acting like a total Prince(ss) in his home of several years.

Duke’s personality is a mixture of old soul (love how his eyes look through you in the first photo) with a bit of an attitude—don’t follow through with a promise of going for a car ride? He will remember and throw a fit and retaliate, maybe perhaps by dragging garbage throughout the house, lol. Fortunately, he was a good doggy for me and cheesed it up. :)
(Duke’s goofy smile cracks me up)
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