FINALLY, a cat client! I was starting to worry that they get less love than dogs, but Melissa proved me wrong. Not only did she book a session for her BEAUTIFUL cat, Aladdin, but she also booked a session for her mother’s adorable, chubby cat, Teddy (to be showcased in next blog entry!).

I get asked this question all the time, “Is it harder to photograph cats?” You betcha! And this is coming from a person who owns two cats, meaning I have had plenty of opportunity to practice at home. Dogs are SO much easier to photograph. They love to please, are full of energy, never seem to tire of playing, and even the shy ones eventually warm up with a tasty bit of morsel. I have yet to meet a dog that’s NOT treat motivated.

Cats though…as we all know, they’re finicky and on their own terms. They like affection, but only when they want it. They like to play, but only when they’re not sleeping the other 22 hours of the day. Food, hmm, this isn’t delicious enough..*walk away*.  Lol. Aladdin was no exception to all of this. Bit of a shy guy, it took him some time to warm up to my presence. And after having his lunch, all he wanted to do was nap, but poor guy, he had to be a model! (which clearly, he felt less than enthused about. Fortunately, I was able to squeeze a few good ones in before he decided he had enough).

By the way, can you believe Aladdin is 15 YEARS OLD?? I still can’t. He seriously has one of the silkiest and plushest coat I’ve ever seen on a cat. I especially love his fluffy, orange/black mane.

(LOVE this chair. Melissa’s boyfriend–sorry, correct me if the following is wrong!–builds furniture and found this awesome seating material that used to be used for the 60s Mustangs, and reupholstered this chair.  This chair was totally made for Aladdin ;) )

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