2019 City Tour Dates
Excited to share that I’ll be continuing to documenting pets + their hoo-mans across the country in 2019*. Check below to see if I’ll be in your city! The rest of the time will be spent in the good ol’ mitten, aka Michigan.
February 21-24: Los Angeles, CA
March 21-24: Austin, TX
May 23-26: New York City, NY
June (TBA): Chicago, IL
July 18-21: Denver, CO
August 1 – 4: Traverse City, MI / Up North Area
September 12-15: San Francisco, CA
December (through Feb. 2020): Scottsdale/Phoenix
Ready to book? Shoot me a message here.
*Dates and cities subject to change. Don’t see your city on here? Sign up below to be added to the wait list and receive the latest updates.